Thursday, January 7, 2010

Old Poetry

January 11, 1998

Two beers on an empty stomach

Two beers on an empty stomach
has me singing, stretched out in the hammock.

Next to the stream and under the trees
listening to the wind shaking the leaves.

Looking high into a blue sky
No need to worry, no need to ask why.

Beauty in and all around
A birds song fills the air and the rushing waters sound.

But when I awake, I brush off the flakes.
For it is February, as my cold heart aches.

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Chinese Restaraunt


I was looking at the dead man's shoes.
He wore a size 10 1/2 DD. He wore dress up shoes.
The kind you polish, with thin shoe strings, and the extra piece of leather over the toes.
Maybe wing tip shoes, whatever they are?
I don't know. He wore Rockport walking shoes. All black, two pairs almost identical.
Then he wore some dress up slip on suede shoes.
Shoes you might see on a cruise dinner night but I've never been on a cruise so I don't know.
The Rockports he wore the most, the cruise dress up loafers he wore the least.
His size is too big for me. I wear a 9 1/2. So then I turned to the coats and I found an all wool tan coat.
It was only $3. Roxana, my coworker, think it is too big but the clerk said it looked really nice on me.
I think both of them are correct.
I'm wearing it and I feel good in it. I'll just move the three buttons over to tighten up the front. I'm eating at the China Restaraunt.
That's the name, China Restaurant.
I'm listening to Handel's Messiah. I think, which ever one sings Hallelujah!, Hallelujah! Hallelujah!.
The owners are Buddhist.But the Christmas Carols continue. Now it Silver Bells.
I'm listening to Silver Bells and served by a Buddhist waitress who has a unique beauty.
Subtle, soft, as if a servant. She calls me sir. I wonder if she keeps a journal. Is she this submissive sexually?
I wonder.
Can I ask her that, no.
My vegetable tofu soup is $4.25 less than a value meal and it serves two. Now it's Ave Maria.
It really is about satisfying the customer.
Tomorrow I go back to the Senior Center thrift store and write in detail about the dead man's shoes. Where have they traveled. And this coat, is it from the same dead mad?
I really think so.
The coat seems completely proportionate in size and soul to the 10 1/2 DD shoes.
I really want to buy a Tsing-Tao beer but I need to turn in photos from the basketball game.
The Austin Packers lost to Mayo. Do the Chinese eat a fortune cookie after their dinner?
I doubt it.
I felt authentic in the meal, but the Christmas carols and fortune cookie skewed the Asian experience.

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In Minnesota, in January, there is snow. - Nate

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In Minnesota, in January, there is snow. - Nate
In Minnesota, in January, there is snow. - Nate